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Digital kiosks launched in Bukit Gombakto help heartland minimarts reach customers 24/7
Minister of State for Trade and Industry Low Yen Ling and Senior Minister of State for National Development Sim Ann, who co-chair the Heartland Digitalisation and Revitalisation Committee, attended the launch yesterday. Ms Low told The Straits Times: “When you talk about digitalisation, a lot of people think it is just e-commerce, but this is another interesting way to go digital and stay relevant with changing consumer demand.”
Seizing a juicy opportunity
Deterred by high rents, Fruits Vending chief executive Bruce Zhang hit upon the idea of dispensing orange juice via vending machines. AFTER leaving his decade-long career as an engineer in the semiconductor industry, Bruce Zhang thought about opening a chain of fruit juice stalls after noticing that people were jumping on the bandwagon of healthy eating.
鲜榨橙汁贩卖机公司总裁张鑫:本地人力和租金高 靠数码化提升运营
...鲜榨橙汁贩卖机公司Fruits Vending总裁张鑫说,他是结束了在半导体行业长达10年的工程师生涯后,五年前决定追求自己创业梦,开设一家果汁连锁店,不过在调研之后发现,本地的租金和人力高,而果汁生意利润又较低。
Network of i.Jooz smart vending machines planned for Hong Kong
Singaporean company Fruits Vending has opened an office in Hong Kong as it starts rolling out a network of smart vending machines. The local subsidiary, IoT Technology Company, has entered the market with its i.Jooz smart vending machines, serving orange juice freshly squeezed directly in front of customers.
Fruits Vending, ImmunoScape and SkyLab Networks bag Emerging Enterprise awards
SINGAPORE (THE BUSINESS TIMES) - Six budding enterprises were recognised for their business innovation, resilience and excellence at the Emerging Enterprise Award 2020 on Wednesday (Dec 9). Fruits Vending, a vending machine manufacturer and operator,..
Network of i.Jooz smart vending machines planned for Hong Kong
Singaporean company Fruits Vending has opened an office in Hong Kong as it starts rolling out a network of smart vending machines. The local subsidiary, IoT Technology Company, has entered the market with its i.Jooz smart vending machines, serving orange juice freshly squeezed directly in front of customers.
Fruits Vending, ImmunoScape and SkyLab Networks bag Emerging Enterprise awards
SINGAPORE (THE BUSINESS TIMES) - Six budding enterprises were recognised for their business innovation, resilience and excellence at the Emerging Enterprise Award 2020 on Wednesday (Dec 9). Fruits Vending, a vending machine manufacturer and operator,..
鲜榨橙汁贩卖机公司总裁张鑫:本地人力和租金高 靠数码化提升运营
...鲜榨橙汁贩卖机公司Fruits Vending总裁张鑫说,他是结束了在半导体行业长达10年的工程师生涯后,五年前决定追求自己创业梦,开设一家果汁连锁店,不过在调研之后发现,本地的租金和人力高,而果汁生意利润又较低。
Digital kiosks launched in Bukit Gombakto help heartland minimarts reach customers 24/7
Minister of State for Trade and Industry Low Yen Ling and Senior Minister of State for National Development Sim Ann, who co-chair the Heartland Digitalisation and Revitalisation Committee, attended the launch yesterday. Ms Low told The Straits Times: “When you talk about digitalisation, a lot of people think it is just e-commerce, but this is another interesting way to go digital and stay relevant with changing consumer demand.”
Seizing a juicy opportunity
Deterred by high rents, Fruits Vending chief executive Bruce Zhang hit upon the idea of dispensing orange juice via vending machines. AFTER leaving his decade-long career as an engineer in the semiconductor industry, Bruce Zhang thought about opening a chain of fruit juice stalls after noticing that people were jumping on the bandwagon of healthy eating.
鲜榨橙汁贩卖机公司总裁张鑫:本地人力和租金高 靠数码化提升运营
...鲜榨橙汁贩卖机公司Fruits Vending总裁张鑫说,他是结束了在半导体行业长达10年的工程师生涯后,五年前决定追求自己创业梦,开设一家果汁连锁店,不过在调研之后发现,本地的租金和人力高,而果汁生意利润又较低。
张鑫说,橙子的成本 一直在上涨,从2016年公司初创至今上涨了约一倍,但i.Jooz的果汁价格还是保持在2元。“两块钱的果汁,对我们来说其实压力很大,因为一杯果汁大概用了四到五粒橙子。这个生意能够做下来并且还能赚钱,就是因为我们用数码化管理,节省人力,提高运营效率。”